West Bromwich, All Saints

All Saints Way, West Bromwich B71 1RU

8 bells, tenor 17-1-15 in F

Contact: John Graham (07940 182808)

Email: john.graham@mac.com 

Practice night: Tuesday 19:30 (2 and 4 only)

Sunday service: 09:45 - 10:30


Joseph Smith cast a ring of six bells for the parish (originally dedicated to St. Clement until 1830) in 1711. Thomas Mears augmented the ring to eight in 1842 by adding a new treble and tenor. The first peal for the new ‘Society of Change Ringers for the Archdeaconry of Stafford’ was rung on these bells - Grandsire Triples on November 24th 1883. They were rehung by Barwell in 1899 and the entire ring was recast by Taylor's in 1918.

